Friday, September 29, 2006

Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children

Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children

Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children
The "horror of the shrieking boys" gets a rubber stamp from the boot-licking U.S. Congress & Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 29 2006

Slamming the final nail in the coffin of everything America used to stand for, the boot-licking U.S. Senate last night gave President Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually mutilate American citizens and American children in the name of the war on terror.

There is nothing in the "detainee" legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured.

Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times, "The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights."

Similarly, law Professor Marty Lederman explains: "this [subsection (ii) of the definition of 'unlawful enemy combatant'] means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant -- using whatever criteria they wish -- then as far as Congress, and U.S. law, is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to 'hostilities' at all."

For complete text with links, see

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Threat to Judicial Independence

Why should it be any surprise that a judge is worried about the people exercising their rights? Check the calendar for the Sovereign Solutions interview with Bill Stegmeier and Jake Hanes on the South Dakota "JAIL 4 Judges" Amendment E.

The Wall Street Journal


The Threat to Judicial Independence


September 27, 2006; Page A18

In November, South Dakotans will vote on a state constitutional amendment being advocated by a national group called "JAIL 4 Judges." If the amendment passes, it would eliminate judicial immunity, and enable a special grand jury to censure judges for their official legal determinations. Although the amendment's supporters claim they seek a "judicial accountability initiative law" (JAIL), they aspire to something far more sinister -- judicial intimidation. Indeed, the national Web site of JAIL 4 Judges boasts with striking candor that the organization "has that intimidation factor flowing through the judicial system."

It is tempting to dismiss this proposed amendment as merely an isolated bout of anti-judge angst. But while the JAIL 4 Judges initiative is unusually venomous, it is far from alone in expressing skepticism of the judiciary. In addition to South Dakota, this election cycle has witnessed efforts in at least three other states that are designed to rein in judges who have supposedly "run amok."

Not to be completely outdone, Congress also has engaged in recent efforts to police the judiciary. Seeking to constrain the legal sources that are available to judges, some members of Congress have advocated measures that would forbid judges from citing foreign law when they are interpreting the Constitution. In addition, bills have been introduced in both houses of Congress supporting the creation of an inspector general to investigate and monitor the federal bench. Finally, the House of Representatives passed legislation over the summer that would prohibit the Supreme Court from considering whether the Pledge of Allegiance's inclusion of the words "under God" violates the First Amendment.

* * *

For complete text, see:

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Victory for victims of child abuse hysteria, forced confessions

US v. Shaw, No. 05-6110 (6th Cir. September 26, 2006)In a case involving alleged child sexual abuse, denial of defendant's motion to suppress written statements made while he was held in custody for nearly twenty hours at an army base is reversed where he was arrested without probable cause and in violation of his Fourth Amendment rights, and the confessions he made were not sufficiently voluntary to eliminate the taint of the illegality of his arrest.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More on the AIDS controversy

Here's from an e-mail by Cristine:


Now Hear This: Podcasts of The AIDS Trial and More Author Stephen Davis now offers an audio version of his book Wrongful Death: The AIDS Trial, and is working on a new site that will feature podcasts and vidcasts of material on the HIV controversy.Heres the news from Stephen:We now have four different podcast episodes allowing anyone in the world to listen to Chapters 1-9 and Chapter 25 of my book Wrongful Death: The AIDS Trial. You can access these podcasts at or if you use iTunes, you can subscribe atitpc:// new radio interviews are also available now at or at iTunes at itpc:// This new site, called APART (AIDS Propaganda Response Team), will feature an ever-increasing program list of podcast interviews with AIDS Rethinkers. My goal is to collect and archive as many interviews as possible, new and old, and make them available as fast as I can convert them to podcasts. My plans for APART include adding "vidcasting" and with this in mind, I'm currently working to put up documentary films including AIDS: Fact or Fraud? and Guinea Pig Kids with more to come soon. And there is much more to come. This week, I'm launching another new web site for a special podcast called Living Without HIV Drugs that will feature a new true-life story every week of people who've turned around the death sentence of a positive diagnosis and who live happy and healthy without HIV drugs. Check in on the latest at Please contact me with any comments and suggestions, content contributions or to tell your own story of Living Without HIV [see].

Drugs.Stephen Davis 1-800-576-0640

Cristine Maggiore exonerated

As regular viewers of Sovereign Solutions know, I have serious doubts about the prevailing theory that HIV causes AIDS, or that it even exists as a distinct virus. Cristine Maggiore, who is the mastermind behind the site, and who is (at last test) "HIV positive", suddenly lost her three year old daughter. A corrupted autopsy led to the accusation that Eliza Jane had died of AIDS related pneumonia. The HIV-causes-AIDS-believing herd used the girls death as "proof" that Cristine and her husband were negligent in (gasp!) breast feeding the girl (and her younger brother), and that her "claims" that HIV is not the cause of AIDS are pure denial, etc. Well, an independent investigation has shown that "Eliza Jane Scovill Died of an Allergic Reaction to Amoxicillin – Not AIDS." Unfortunately, their paediatrician, Dr. Paul Fleiss, whom I've known and admired for many years, is now under attack himself. The medicos do not like dissenting opinion. See for details.

Bernard's visit

Bernard's visit to Missoula was quite a success. There were nine adults in attendence for our meeting at Perkins. Bernard had some very encouraging things to say about the recent accusations by the US Mint about the Liberty Dollar. Best of all, he unveiled something I'm not at liberty to report, but trust me: It will help propel the Liberty Dollar into the mainstream. Stand by for further word in the next few months.